If your place of business turns on its lights everyday and uses them for more than 8 hours, chances are those lights are costing you more money than they need to. Lighting accounts for 10% to 40% of total energy consumption. Previous lighting technology is outdated and inefficient. Making the switch to LED Lighting can save between 30% and 80% in energy savings alone; not to mention avoided maintenance costs.
Light Energy Development has a rich background in financial advisory work. We don’t view ourselves as salespeople. We view ourselves as financial advisers. This approach only benefits our clients. We are on your side. We are here to help you make a smart, well-educated financial transaction. We do sell lights, but we only sell the highest quality LED products which will have a high return on investment for our clients because of warranties and lifespan. Working with you, together we will determine which products make the most sense for your business. We are not constrained to one brand or one style or one color. Almost always, it is not optimal to retrofit every existing light to LED. We’re okay with that. Our compensation comes when you achieve significant energy savings. We’ll help you identify the areas of your business that make most financial sense.
Right now is the time to invest your money in lighting. There are significant rebates and tax incentives being offered by utility companies and government agencies. Specifically in Utah, we are a participating vendor in Rocky Mountain Power’s wattsmart® Business program. As such, we are qualified and experienced to maximize your rebates. We will take care of this entire process for you. You can claim the rebate as a onetime cash payment, assign it to a third party like ourselves to defray implementation costs, or use it as equity to finance the cost of your lighting retrofit. Many other Utility Providers offer incentives as well. We can help you determine what you are eligible for and help you navigate the entire process from application to implementation.
If you have a basic understanding of lighting vocabulary, here is a guide to energy savings. If you currently use T12 tube lights, call us immediately. If you use T8 tube lights, call us after lunch. If you use T5 tube lights, just know that LED’s are more efficient and we would love to sell them to you, however, the energy savings and cost recovery won’t be as attractive (unless your lights are on more than 12 hours a day), but you can still call us if you want. If you have any exterior building or area lighting, call us today. The cost of LED lighting has come down and the quality has gone way up. Combine that with rebate money and you’ll typically see ROI’s of less than 2 years. Call us! WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS

- Initial Meeting – Discuss your needs, exchange contact information, and receive literature.
- Conduct an Energy Audit – This is a no fee audit. We will come to your place of business and evaluate your lighting needs. We will count all of the light fixtures and keep track of changing wattage and usage. We will cause very minimal disruption to your day to day. We will uphold the highest professional standards. Depending on the size of the building, we shouldn’t be there for more than 30 minutes. If you have an on-site maintenance person we would like to speak with them at this time.
- Perform a Comprehensive Energy Analysis – We will produce a detailed summary comparing existing lighting to recommended LED replacements. We will look at avoided maintenance costs and pure watt for watt energy savings to calculate return on investment, internal rate of return, net present value, and other financial benchmarks to help determine if the project makes sense. This is where our financial background becomes of value to our clients. We won’t just tell you, “this will save you money,” we’ll show you how. No fee associated.
- Second Meeting – We will meet with you to review the findings. A summary page of all our data will be given to you (a detailed analysis will be supplied upon contract signing). We will discuss product pricing and options. We will bring actual product samples or pictures so you know what it is you are purchasing.
- Implementation – Once a contract is signed we won’t go away. We will go over any details from the Energy Analysis with you. We will order all of the product and ensure it arrives in good condition and in a timely manner. We will handle all manufacturer warranties for you. We will take care of all necessary paperwork for eligible rebates. We can refer you to qualified, licensed electricians for installation of the lights or we will work hand in hand with your maintenance people until the job is completed. If we determine that your project is large enough, we can switch roles and act as a consultant on your behalf. We would then help you bid out the cost of the lights to leverage lower prices. We are here to help you through the entire process!